Article published 29 March 2023
Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design explained in new film
Safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) is a concept developed to integrate safety and sustainability in the early stages of innovation and product development.
The idea of SSbD was born out of several frameworks and aims to encourage innovation to replace hazardous substances in products and processes, develop new chemicals and materials and optimise or redesign production processes to improve safety and sustainability.
By integrating aspects for the domain of safety, circularity and functionality of chemicals and materials, with sustainability consideration throughout their lifecycle, SSbD aims to facilitate the industrial transition towards a safe, zero pollution, climate-neutral and resource-efficient economy. The concept is also addressing adverse effects on humans, ecosystems and biodiversity from a lifecycle perspective.
In a series of short videos, different topics related to nanofabrication are being discussed, and one of the focus areas is SSbD. Watch the video External link, opens in new window. External link, opens in new window. (2:25 minutes) to learn more about SSbD and nanofabrication.